Another sea peep picture by request of Cari. Who knew that sea creatures had such funny and discernable facial expressions?! Patrick sez that most of them do. Don't you just read SOOO clearly this ray saying, "Whaddaya want now? Or, "You again?" Click to enlarge to get the full effect...
I can tell you that I've seen a free swimming green moray do a great, Man, am I pissed, now get the fuck out of my way! facial expression. It had to do with mouth gaping open, maximum dentation display and headed right at me... I inadvertantly got between him and his proposed new hidey rock whilst he was losing a territorial dispute with another bigger green moray... heh.
So here's a baby queen angel protected by a sea urchin guarding its hole in the reef...again, click to enlarge.
and I leave you with a very cool crab...(MAJOR ooops here... Patrick has threatened to bring down the wrath of his fat cat lawyer bro on me if I don't correct this) This is NOT a crab but a Banded Coral Shrimp. Really. MMC (Mea Maxima Culpa), heh.
All pictures by either Patrick Quinn or Claire Stanton, both dive instructors at Paradise Watersports on Peter Island, BVI. (No affiliation, I just love 'em all...)
Back to knitting tomorrow...