Sorry, peeps, typepad's site was down this morning so no photos were possible. Can't very well post photos from the orifice's computer. So Greta, I'll have to regale you with Koigu Frolic progress later tonight.
Last night was a knitting washout. I stayed late at the desk and after running a few errands arrived home too fried to do more than surf the blogs a bit, send $50 to John Kerry (help him if you can, it's put-your-money-where-your-politics-are time, folks) read a knit mag or three, and close my eyes. I'm really wanting to start Carla just to see how quickly it might go. Since I'm inching along on several smaller gauge projects, it would be great to have some quick knit gratification.
And woooohoooo!! Secret Pal2 is up and running courtesy of the ever gracious Heidi.
And check out Leya's new Knitting Design Source site. If you click on the Elann button there, you pull up some awesome free patterns. Don't know about you, but I regularly browse Elann's new products but seldom look at their free patterns. That's definitely gonna change.. wait till you see...I can feel my resistance to stash enhancement eroding by the second... there are a lovely several somethings in there that are calling to me. Can't you hear them? "Knit me now or lose me forever!" Am I the only one that thinks the Borg were knitters?? (Most famous Borg quote: "Resistance is futile." ...if there are any of you left on the planet who never saw an episode of Star Trek TNG). I wonder what Jean-Luc is doing now? Happy weekend, all.