In translation because my Italian isn't up to that. Been too long. I just devoured The Voice of the Violin by Andrea Camilleri. It's the fourth in his Inspector Montalbano series set in the fictional town of Montelusa, Sicily. The real town that inspires the fictional Montelusa is Agrigento. And the book is not about the mafia though there is some glancing mention, unavoidable since after all, we are talking Sicily, eh.
Don't you love that cover art? The artist is Jeff Fisher. The translation from the Sicilian dialect is by Stephen Sartarelli. As I was reading it, a character is referred to as a 'raven' when the correct translation would have been 'vulture'. I was about to get all critical on Sartarelli's ass but then noticed that he graciously provided translation notes at the back of the book to explain the peculiarities of this expression among others. If you're a language geek like me, the literal translations of phrases can be very entertaining as well as telling much about the culture.
The good news is that the three preceding books are waiting out there, gloriously perched for me to read. The bad news is that there isn't any space at all to store those books when they arrive. Talk about a need to de-stash. Migod. I've got a book backlog worse than my knitting backlog. And I read fast. Raise your hand in the comments if you'd like to be a giftee of my book destashing... I find it's easier to destash when I know the book/magazine is going to a good home. It will be a grab bag surprise, if you're interested.
Knitting, you say? Right now that consists mostly of wistfully carting the knitting around not finding actual time to knit. But I did read Kay and Ann's new book the other night and loved it. Witty and wonderful with much colorful inspiration. Africa Knits came in the same package and while I enjoyed it, the colors were so blah and the sweaters so boxy that I doubt I'll use the book for anything more than pattern inspiration. Nice try, though.