It's not always fun and games chez FiberTribe when the intuitive powers kick in. Last night around 9 o'clock out of nowhere a violent headache started to grab the left side of my neck and head. Dennis and I were to take the new wildlands fire truck over the mountain the next day to have a two-way radio installed. Something vague had been bothering me all day about that trip. I found myself increasingly thinking of reasons I shouldn't go. And there really was no compelling reason NOT to go. Just this escalating reluctance. Finally, as the headache increased I finally got it. We shouldn't take that fire truck out of town and furthermore, we should go over to the firehouse in the morning and be sure the tank was filled to the brim.
I told Dennis that I had a very, very bad feeling about something happening on Monday and I couldn't tell when, what, or to whom it would happen or even be sure anything WOULD happen. And bless him, he believed me and instantly said, ok, we'll stay and we'll be sure the truck is filled. Immediately, and I mean from one moment to the next, the headache was gone. I still felt the waves of whatever it is washing over me. I finally sat down and typed a status update on FaceBook to ask everyone to be very, very careful on Monday. As soon as I did that, it felt like the probability of something bad happening decreased. It continued to decrease throughout the day today.
I could feel foolish as if I cried wolf, but I don't. That's the way this thing works. One never knows unless by blind luck whether what one is getting is A: correct and B: if it's unchangeable or if the probability of occurence can be altered, diminished or totally negated. I'm hugely relieved that nothing (that I know of) has happened. I've had precogs (precognitive events) since I was a child but haven't had one in a very long time. And I've never had physical symptoms from it. Strange. All that I can think of that might have heightened my sensitivity is that I spent a fair amount of time with a gifted intuitive this past weekend. We tend to amplify each other's abilities. That's my best guess.
So if you're reading this, do let me know that you and yours are ok. Yes?
Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.
* title from a Ray Bradbury story
"By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes"
Shakespeare, MacBeth, Act. IV scene I
Just thought you'd like to know who Bradbury got it from. LOL
Posted by: Susan B. | July 07, 2009 at 07:31 PM
Mmm, Monday here was quite a doozy after a weekend of a fair amount of doozyness too... dramatic flooding culminated in quite an 'adventure' on Monday but I managed and maybe that was cos a friend was concerned before the event... intuition bypasses mere geography:0)
Posted by: Daisy-Winifred | July 08, 2009 at 03:17 PM
Hi, Caroline. I wanted to stop by and thank you for the well-wishes for my dad. It's so kind of you. :) He is expected to make a full recovery, and I'm very relieved.
Very interesting post about your intuitive abilities. I think it's good that you're proactive, and unapologetic about it.
Posted by: carlitadee | July 13, 2009 at 09:24 AM