whoa. Life, she do go by, yes? Day follows day and wowza, it's been some wicked long time since I posted here. So how are you? Yeah? Me, too.
Seems that the crescendos of life are peaking and forming a perfect storm of a wave. Decisions on where to be this coming winter, what direction to take in life and work and relationship, what to do with the old house, etc, etc. I suppose you could say I've been feeling overwhelmed and massively unsure of the next step in just about any regard. So I've been lurking on all ya'll's blogs and taking good inspiration where I can find it. Crazy Aunt Purl Laurie is one inspiring stop on the blog roll these days, fer shure.
Knitting, you say? Yup. Finished a Citron in a lovely, lovely Malabrigo Sock yarn in color African Violet. I've gotten more wear out of that little wrap (I knit only one skein worth of Citron) than just about anything else I've knit in a very long time. It took me 4 days of cross-country driving to finish it. Specifically from Asheville, NC to BTown, Utah this past March.
And since then all I've done is crawl through the almost as lovely Lacy Baktus for an artist friend who admired the deep and lovely purple of the Malabrigo. And you know that when an artist admires a color you got to jump on it, toot sweet. I'm on a mission to finish it fast because there are about a jillion other beautiful siren song patterns calling my name.
Pictures of the purple loveliness next time, O my patient ones. so what are you knitting these days? And am I the only one that thinks that $7 for a pattern (cough, Twist, cough) is too much when you get an entire magazine for just about that these days? C'mon. It wouldn't be FiberTribe without a wee rant...Mwah.