So the monsoon arrived early this year. We've had so much rain that it feels more like the coast of Oregon than the high/dry edge of the canyons in southern Utah. Even the non-irrigated fields are bright green. And the ragweed will bloom early if my itchy eyes are any kind of indicator.
It's been raining up on the mountain for most of the day but somehow despite threatening grumbles of thunder, it hasn't yet rained on us. There is only this eerie kind of quiet and pale grayness with an edge of sky blue on the eastern horizon. Even the neighborhood rooster is off his warbly crow.
A great day to curl up with yarn and wine. Or maybe a fresh lamb's liver from a neighbor and Jacques Pepin's recipe for pate from Epicurious. Will let you know how it turns out.
And the Lacy Baktus is about 5 inches from completion. Pleeeze, goddess...